Property Details
,This is the cost of rebuilding your home at today\'s prices. It is not the selling price, nor the market value. It also does not include the cost of the land or any other structures on your property.
Protection Information
,How far is 1,000 feet? - A distance of 1,000 feet is roughly equivalent to 300 meters, or around 3 football fields. At a normal walking pace (3 mph), it would take around 3.5-4 minutes to walk 1,000 feet.
,How do I determine distance to tidal water? - When determining distance to tidal water or coast, make sure that you are take into consideration how far your property is from the coast in air miles. You may also think of this distance in terms of miles \'as the crow flies\'. Driving distance to the tidal water or coast is not important here.
Structure Information
Property Accessories